Feb 7, 2008


Big ones, little ones, old ones, young ones, wet ones, hairy ones, blue footed, masked........I LOVE BOOBIES!  There were so many and I was excited to find that these boobies wouldn't run when I reached out to touch or take a photo of them.  This paradise was at Isla de la Plata, an island 25 miles offshore of Puerto Lopez.  It is apart of Machalilla National Park and referred to as the "Poor man's Galapagos" due to it being close and featuring some of the same wildlife.  We were able to share this experience with our good friends from Boise, the Bentz's.  The boat trip and island visit included a long hike, snorkeling, beautiful cliffs, bright blue waters and of course, plenty of birds.  I have been looking forward to saying, "Check out these boobies".........   

Puerto Lopez:

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