Feb 12, 2008


I'm one step closer to fulfilling my dream as a harmonica rock star.  I have been hired at InterAmerican Academy to cover elementary technology and a couple music classes for the remainder of the year.  Those who know me, know I am in way over my head.  Let's just say that for 2nd grade music today, we played soccer.  I'm now accepting any advice on how to sing on key and how to turn on a computer.    


Unknown said...

You are a slender John Belushi! Minus the alcohol and drug addition...
No helpful pointers in regards to music. Good luck w/ that. Maybe you could bring in CD's and have them listen to music?

Anonymous said...

I taught music for years before the schools hired music teachers and you know I have no musicial skills.
My suggestions:
* Find out what the other teachers are teaching them in the curriculum for their grades. Then compile songs that support that theme.
* Have them make a musical collage of their lives.
* Have them write additional stanzas to their favorite songs.
* Choose a performer and study those works.

you get the idea--
love, Aunt Sherry

Anonymous said...

Speak your songs – it's cool.
love you Uncle Dave.

BBentz said...

That's great Dave, glad to hear it. I just hope you were able to work out just compensation for your services. Nice look by the way...you are definately rock star material.
