Jan 1, 2009

Ecuador: Feliz Ano Nuevo!

What's better than watching a great fire work show?  Answer: About a hundred guy's all holding lighters and blowing stuff up.  Nothing brings in the New Year like a highly unorganized, bring your own explosives event that includes paper mache characters stuffed with fireworks, a champagne bottle for all (teens included) and, just when you thought you've got enough explosives, bring another bag.  Don't get me wrong, we still had the same great fireworks you would see on TV from all over the world, they were just set off by guys holding a bottle of bubbly and giving out high fives like they had just won the Super Bowl.  Check it out:

All day on New Year's Eve, we saw cars like this with different cartoon and real life characters on their way to the midnight funeral.  The tradition is to make a paper mache character of someone you would like to leave in the old year, fill it with fireworks and light it on fire at midnight.  

This was certainly one of the best New Year celebrations we've had together and the experience was incredible.  Happy New Year's!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Love that picture of you two! Miss you both!